Experimenting with Svelte 5's New Runes API
2 min read
tl;dr: Hey all, I decided to give Svelte 5's new Runes API a try and build a simple todo app to see how it works. Here's a quick overview of the new API and my thoughts on it.
You can check out the app here → todo.sanju.sh
Here’s quick overview of the new API:
Svelte 5’s Runes APIs are more thoughtful in their design 🤌🧡 pic.twitter.com/jM8b3NK9hW
— Sanju (@spikeysanju) May 11, 2024
So, what’s the big deal about the new Runes API? In a nutshell, it’s designed to make it easier to create and manage states. I was a bit skeptical at first, but after using it, I’m impressed! It’s more intuitive and makes it easier to write clean and maintainable code.
I’m looking forward to using the new API in products like SticAi and Uiino to improve the performance and maintainability of the codebase.
Here’s link to the tweet I shared about the app:
Built an open-source app using @sveltejs 5’s Runes API. https://t.co/M6jPhsXY7i
— Sanju (@spikeysanju) May 11, 2024
That’s it for now! I’ll be sharing more updates soon. Stay tuned!
I'm a Svelte/Kit enthusiast. Want to build something cool together?
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